Kirsten Bradley
Une introduction au jardinage pour grandir et faire grandir !
Que vous viviez en ville ou à la campagne, il y a toujours de la place pour planter une nouvelle graine, construire un hôtel à insectes ou un tipi pour haricots ! Les jeunes pousses trouveront dans ce Manuel du petit jardinier sans jardin des activités amusantes et simples à réaliser, pour construire un environnement vivant, viable et renouvelable, le tout accompagné de magnifiques illustrations.
An introduction to easy gardening so you can grow everywhere and anywhere. Whether you live in the city or the countryside, there are plenty of places you can plant and grow. For a new generation of green fingers there are different ways to bring nature into the home. Make your own pots, build balcony boxes, create your own bird feeders and even get friendly with worms! Each activity has been carefully chosen to create living, renewable and sustainable environments for kids and their families. The simple steps and beautiful spot illustrations make activities fun and easy to follow. The book will also feature non-activity spreads explaining the importance of why and how nature works. Illustrated by Aitch, a Romanian artist whose folkloric illustrations pay homage to vintage botanical books while giving each page a sense of modern magic.