Books On Demand
Alice au pays des merveilles est une 'uvre écrite par Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, sous le pseudonyme de Lewis Carroll, et parue en 1865. Depuis, ce récit, né des histoires que racontait Lewis Carroll à des petites filles de son entourage, a fait l'objet d'innombrables lectures, reprises et adaptations qui, de Walt Disney à Tim Burton, ont contribué à en faire un véritable classique de la littérature jeunesse.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 novel written by English mathematician Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells of a girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as with children. It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre.Its narrative course and structure, characters and imagery have been enormously influential in both popular culture and literature, especially in the fantasy genre. Dodgson's tale was published in 1865 as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by "Lewis Carroll" with illustrations by John Tenniel. The first print run of 2,000 was held back because Tenniel objected to the print quality.A new edition was quickly printed, released in December of the same year but carrying an 1866 date. The text blocks of the original edition were removed from the binding and sold with Dodgson's permission to the New York publishing house of D. Appleton & Company. The binding for the Appleton Alice was virtually identical to the 1866 Macmillan Alice, except for the publisher's name at the foot of the spine. The title page of the Appleton Alice was an insert cancelling the original Macmillan title page of 1865, and bearing the New York publisher's imprint and the date 1866. The entire print run sold out quickly. Alice was a publishing sensation, beloved by children and adults alike. Among its first avid readers were Queen Victoria and the young Oscar Wilde.The book has never been out of print. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland has been translated into at least 174 languages.There have now been over a hundred English-language editions of the book, as well as countless adaptations in other media, especially theatre and film. A Glossary of Alice in Wonderland Terms is included in this present edition.
Les Aventures d'Alice au pays des merveilles
Lewis Carroll
- Books On Demand
- 31 Mai 2022
- 9782322423989
Alice s'ennuie auprès de sa soeur qui lit un livre (sans images, ni dialogues) tandis qu'elle ne fait rien. À quoi bon un livre sans images, ni dialogues ? , se demande Alice. Mais voilà qu'un lapin blanc aux yeux roses vêtu d'une redingote avec une montre à gousset à y ranger passe près d'elle en courant. Cela ne l'étonne pas le moins du monde. Pourtant, lorsqu'elle le voit sortir une montre de sa poche et s'écrier : Je suis en retard ! En retard ! En retard !, elle se dit que décidément ce lapin a quelque chose de particulier. En entrant derrière lui dans son terrier, elle fait une chute presque interminable qui l'emmène dans un monde aux antipodes du sien. Elle va rencontrer une galerie de personnages retors et se trouver confrontée au paradoxe de l'absurde et au bizarre...
Alice around the World : the multilingual edition of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (English - French - German - Italian)
Lewis Carroll
- Books On Demand
- 18 Janvier 2017
- 9782322082100
Lewis Carroll's classics around the World is proud to present with this edition the first multilingual edition of the 1865 Lewis Carroll's masterpiece for the first time available in four langages (English - French - German - Italian).
This edition includes the unabridged versions of :
-- 1. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (English) -- 2. Les Aventures d'Alice au pays des merveilles (French) -- 3. Alices Abenteuer im Wunderland (German) -- 4. Le Avventure di Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie (Italian) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 novel written by English mathematician Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells of a girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as with children. It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre.Its narrative course and structure, characters and imagery have been enormously influential in both popular culture and literature, especially in the fantasy genre. Dodgson's tale was published in 1865 as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by "Lewis Carroll" with illustrations by John Tenniel. The first print run of 2,000 was held back because Tenniel objected to the print quality.A new edition was quickly printed, released in December of the same year but carrying an 1866 date. The text blocks of the original edition were removed from the binding and sold with Dodgson's permission to the New York publishing house of D. Appleton & Company. The binding for the Appleton Alice was virtually identical to the 1866 Macmillan Alice, except for the publisher's name at the foot of the spine. The title page of the Appleton Alice was an insert cancelling the original Macmillan title page of 1865, and bearing the New York publisher's imprint and the date 1866. The entire print run sold out quickly. Alice was a publishing sensation, beloved by children and adults alike. Among its first avid readers were Queen Victoria and the young Oscar Wilde.The book has never been out of print. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland has been translated into at least 174 languages.
Las aventuras de Alicia en el Pais de las Maravillas
Carroll Lewis
- Books On Demand
- 19 Avril 2022
- 9782322407460
Alice estaba empezando a cansarse mucho de sentarse junto a su hermana en el banco, y de no tener nada que hacer: una o dos veces habia mirado en el libro que su hermana estaba leyendo, pero no tenia fotos o conversaciones en él, ¿y cual es el uso de un libro, pensó Alice sin fotos ni conversaciones?
Asi que estaba considerando en su propia mente (tan bien como pudo, para el dia caluroso la hizo sentir muy somnoliento y estúpido), si el placer de hacer una cadena margarita valdria la pena la pena la molestia de levantarse y recoger las margaritas, cuando de repente un Conejo Blanco con ojos rosados corria cerca de ella.
La frontera que separa el sueno de la realidad es un limite muy fragil. Es lo que experimentó Alicia cuando, por una bella tarde de verano, se quedó dormida y deslizó, lentamente, hacia el reino de los suenos.
Un conejo apresurado le llamó la atención. Lo acompanó en su carrera frenética y encontró situaciones, y personajes, muy raros, cuyos comportamientos humanos, sin embargo, describen muy bien esta normalidad loca que caracteriza tantos seres humanos. Alicia entendió, bastante rapidamente, que estas criaturas aparentemente normales eran muy salvajes y pesadas. De hecho, se dio cuenta de que la conciencia, calidad únicamente individual, hace que la gente actúe de manera civilizada, y cree, entonces, sociedades razonables.
Gracias a su sueno, la percepción difusa de su humanidad y de su razón se esclareció, lo que la llevó hacia la edad adulta.